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Baby seminar

I have been to alot of wedding shows/seminars, but yesterday, we went for our 1st baby seminar. :) seems that life is really moving on very, we are already at the stage of being parents.. next would be wat? Kids educations, lessons, classes etc etc..

The seminar was at Sherton Towers whereby the talk is mainly focusing on cord blood storing. In Singapore, there are currently only 2 company which offer the service of storing cord blood. One is Stemcord and the other is Cord Life. So far, most of our frens didnt store the cord blood of their new born. Mostly donated it to the public bank. Hubby and i still discussing if we should store the blood, and if we do, which company should we go to. Storing cord blood is like buying insurance, you pay an annual fee per year to store the blood. The blood can be used to cure life threatening disease..but you nv know when you might need it, so you might store it forever..

The seminar also talked about breastfeeding. Nv knew that there are so many methods and position of breastfeeding...hmm have to really learn about it during my antenatal lessons. My next apptm with Dr Yam is on 9th then would be at 16th weeks..hopefully would be able to see the sex of is if junior is coorperative..