Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers


Finally i managed to get my camera!! Actually feel that its fated. Didnt managed to get it during the IT show when its selling for $399 with a 8G memory card, casing, tripod, screen protector and a camera bag. Now there is another promotion. For just $369, i get a 8G memory card, an extra batt, casing, tripod and the screen protector (ie minus the camera bag which i definitely wont use, i get $30 off plus an extra battery!). its really a good deal! I wont be giving my nikon cam away (for those who are eyeing :P), cos would still need it underwater. Hai..just realised that next time when gg on honeymoon, i need to bring both cameras along!

Now am back in office. But with my "baby" (my new pink cam) beside me mood is slightly better :P Tomolo would be gg to be BS to choose the gowns! Hopefully it would be a fruitful trip. Ok now..its back to work..
Ah dear so sweet today. Knowing that i have been working horrible hours for the past few weeks, he purposely wake up early to fetch me to work! The extra hr of sleep plus another half hr in the car it just heavenly. Thanks dear!!

Stupid client

Pardon me, this is going to be a very negative post. I just wanna complain about my job and my client!!

I have been working at this Tuas job, lets call its a shit job for almost 4 months alr. Its the worst job in my whole audit career!!! The job is not just messy, but the client SUCKS big time!! Especially the Finance Manager. He is guy, but he act even worst than a woman. Its like he has got PMS every single second of his life! This is the nick we gave him. So Mr PMS has been very very very difficult, especially recently. He is just impossibly ridiculous. Feels like @#$#%$^%^ him!!!!!!!! For those who know how my job works, client is suppose to give us workings and audit schedules so that we can check. Mr PMS refuse to give us the detail breakdowns of his consol workings and he said that he would be SPOON FEEDING us if he gave us the workings! WTH!! How could he say that! Its his job to give us the workings and we check. We are not accountants. We are not suppose to work out the workings ourselves. We are auditors. We CHECK the accounts. We dont DO the accounts. He just dont understand this point! He is a super big A**H***!!! Argh!!!!!!!! So today, even though being a sunday, i still need to come back to work cos he refuse to give me the workings and i need to do it myself!!! Next year we are going to change the manager of this job to another guy manager (hopefully). As only him in our department would be able to handle such ridiculous ppl! This manager is super firm with clients and he wont give a shit if he scold them out right. Looking fwd to see how Mr PMS will react if he is talking to this him luck!!

Anyway, was at the IT fair yesterday. Have decided to get Canon Ixus 95 IS, pink colour and guess wat, its sold out!! I am so depressed now.. :(

Busy busy

Busy busy busy with reporting deadlines and as if we are not busy enough, ACRA decided to come to our firm to audit its rushing not only to meet deadlines for reporting, but worst still, to meet the deadlines for ACRA's review.

Weekend is out of the question for working as saturday is booked for our pre-marriage course, and Sunday got to meet Yishan for a final discussion with regards to her wedding next wednesday (yes, i am her jie mei). Anyway, am looking forward to Saturday cos after our course, we would be gg to the IT fair where i "most prob" gg to get myself a new digi cam! Decided to give up on my current one as i am the only one who knows how to use it and ppl who take pics for me, the pics always ended up being blur! No point getting a cam where u cant take a clear pic of urself right :p Am still trying to decide between Sony T77 or Canon Ixus 95. My current Nikon cam would still be retained for its underwater function...or if any kind soul out there wanna sponsor me a new underwater housing for the Sony or Canon??? :P


For once, i dun need to work yesterday (sat). Thus made used of the free day and went prawning with Jiahui, Justin and Quentin. Its my first time prawning in Singapore. My every first try was actually in Taiwan a few years back. Back then we always went prawning during midnight (dun ask me why that timing..i also dunno lol..)

The prawning farm that we went to is at Sin Ming. Price as compared to Taiwan, is much more expensive. It cost us $30 per rod for 3 hrs. So we got 2 rods to share among the 4 of us.
The prawning area
Our baits

Getting ready

And our 1st catch!

My 1st Singapore prawn! lol...

With Jiahui
Justin, smirk with his catch too

The biggest prawn was caught by me!!!

Jiahui with her's

Our catch for the day

In total, 24 prawns in 3 hrs


The experience is fun, but find it a bit too expensive to spend 3 hrs..