Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

30 Dec

30 Dec

I am always feeling tired nowadays (no matter how much i sleep) and my eyes are always heavy. Every morning when i am gg to work and was walking to the bus stop, i would stand at the base of the overhead bridge and feel like crying... gg up the stairs seems impossible to me. Pimples are starting to pop out and skin getting very dry..hmm..doesnt link right, cos dry skin by right should means less pimples? Pimples are suppose to go with oily skin? Skin is dry, but scalp is oily..hai..hormones.. and i am putting on fats so fast, that i really feel like crying (especially when i looked at my wedding photos that were just taken in Sep!) Also, i started feeling bloated recently and kept letting out farts...err..disgusting.. but 1 thing which i strongly recommend when you get pregnant, that is, to read those online week by week pregnancy site (eg. Its REALLY useful and accurate! When it says in week xx you will get xx, its REALLY happens!!! So for now, my pimples and bloatness at least means that my pregnancy is on track and bb is growing inside me, except that i cant feel the bb as yet and only feeling all the negative stuffs... another 2 more weeks for the 1st trimester to end and after that would be the honeymoon period where pregnancy symptoms would be at its least (other than the growing bump).

Another thing to note: i finally understand that why when i feel nauseas, by eating some food, i will feel better. According to babycenter, its because the blood sugar level went down thats why we feel nauseas. Thus by eating, it will bring the blood sugar level back up and ease the feeling of puking. So its recommended to eat more small meals throughout the day rather than the 3 big main meals.

As up to now, only a few of my colleagues know that i am pregnant (due to work commitment, got no choice but to inform them earlier), i can only grumble to them abt my pregnancy symptoms and whenever i know what makes these symptoms, i would be very excited and share with so they tell me that now i am a walking dictionary about pregnany and stuffs..thus in the future when they themselves get pregnant, they would know who to look for..hahah..well i guess thats why i am blogging all these down so that u guys can refer and read the progress next time when its your turn ;p I have summarises the things which i found out so far for the 1st trimester (week 1 to week 12):

1) Morning sickness (“MS”) is peak at week 8 - week 10 : try to eat small meals to fight the feeling of nauseas
2) Pimples and bloatness will surface at ard week 9
3) If feeling bloated, can try gassy drinks like 7-up which will help you to burp. Nv take coke as it contains caffeine . Also, do not take tea or coffee throughout the pregnancy. Little bit of wine is ok, but no beer.
4) Always feeling tired – try to rest whenever you can, be it just a short lying down on the bed with your eyes close
5) Cramping of the womb – try to sleep on your sides, can ease the cramp a little
6) Drink more milk if possible as calcium intake is very impt
7) Its nv too early to start wearing flats, don’t wanna risk having a fall
8) Craving starts (at least for me), so if possible, try to control it
9) During week 11-12, go for your Oscar test to test for down syndrome in the bb (its an optional test)

Food which i heard that we cant eat:

1) No sharks fin and blue fin tuna (+ some of those big size fish, cant remember all) as they control high concentrated level of mercury
2) No durians and mcdonald as it will make ur bb fat
3) No lambs as it cause/prone the bb to have fit
4) No cooling stuffs like watermelon, pineapples (i dun care, i still eat watermelons :P)
5) No sashimi, oysters or anything raw (sob sob....)
6) No crabs cos it will cause ur bb to shou(3) duo(1) duo(1) ie everything also wanna touch - I was being told this by my granny...

That was the list which i strictly follow. There are alot of other food which other mummies did mention that we are not suppose to eat, but i cant be bothered with it. I think that if we just eat in moderation and not by alot, it should be all right. Will add in more things if i can remember.