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2 days MC

17th Dec

Ppl told me that its very easy to get MC when you are pregnant..hehe so i went to the doc this morning and told him that i have got very back Morning Sickness ("MS"), and thus i was given 2 days MC!! Hee.. :P well, i am not really eating snake, its just that Co gives us 28 days of MC per year, so its a bit wasted when i am not utilising my MCs especially when they have scrapped our OT systems right. So have to treat myself better. :P Anyway, i did bring work back to i am still working right ... ok enough of all these excuses..but its really much better to work at home cos of the following reasons:

1) Paiseh to keep going to the toilet

2) Air con in office is free, so its always full blast and so damn cold

3) Flu virus in the air... yeeks!!

4) backaching from all the sitting in front of our laptop

Disadvantage of working at home:

1) Too many distractions : my cosy bed, my cute niece, easily assessible food

2) Free to surf internet as and when i like it

3) Temptation to go read my storybook instead of doing my work (*guiltily peeking at the pile of papers next to me now that i have conveniently pushed aside earlier on*)

So here i am, updating my blog (heehee) and doing other stuffs other than my own work :P tsk tsk tsk....OK! Lets be more discipline now and go back to work! Byee..
