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Wordings is a very powerful tool

Sometimes back, i came across an email which is talking about how something that a person says can leave a impression or a scar in another. And i think the way the email was written, really described the essense of the power of wordings. It said something like, whenever you shout at someone or said something which you shouldn't, go hammer a nail in the fence. Subsequently when you cool down, you should remove the nails. So after a while the fence is full of holes. Thus the moral of the story is? No matter whether you mean what you say or not, it will always leave a scar..even when the nail is being removed later..

So think twice before you say anything. You might not mean what you said, but the words may come speeding out of your mouth and hitting hard, across the face of the other party...So, do you think i care?? Maybe you really dont...