Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Today is Calvin's last day, thus we decided to have a farewell lunch at Vila'ge @ China Square Central. It has the exact same concept as Marche whereby u go by the card system. Me, JY and V ordered a few dishes to share.

Inside Vila'ge:

Some food that we ordered:
My Root Beer
Chicken sauage with rosti and egg
Chicken mushroom ham with cheese crepes

Seafood baked rice

After work, went down to Blue Reef to collect our Advance Dive licence. YES, its here finally and i no longer need to use that miserable temp cardboard licence!! I am now a truly certified Advance Diver. Yeah!!!!!!!! In a way of celebrating, haha..i bought the pink weight belt which i have been aiming since jul..of cos that is after Kaz giving me 30% discount. :P At least with the pink weight belt, i am more identifiable

PS Calvin: Its great knowing you as a colleague as well as a fren. And its really enjoyable to go for FFF night with you around. Its a lost to the company for not keeping you and its a gain to Natsteels for manging to employ you! All the best to your future and do join us for our future FFF nights!!