Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers


For once, i dun need to work yesterday (sat). Thus made used of the free day and went prawning with Jiahui, Justin and Quentin. Its my first time prawning in Singapore. My every first try was actually in Taiwan a few years back. Back then we always went prawning during midnight (dun ask me why that timing..i also dunno lol..)

The prawning farm that we went to is at Sin Ming. Price as compared to Taiwan, is much more expensive. It cost us $30 per rod for 3 hrs. So we got 2 rods to share among the 4 of us.
The prawning area
Our baits

Getting ready

And our 1st catch!

My 1st Singapore prawn! lol...

With Jiahui
Justin, smirk with his catch too

The biggest prawn was caught by me!!!

Jiahui with her's

Our catch for the day

In total, 24 prawns in 3 hrs


The experience is fun, but find it a bit too expensive to spend 3 hrs..