Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

"Ru Zhai" loh!

We had performed our "Ru Zhai" (ie moving house) ceremony today. The date and time was chosen by our Fengshui master and we were taught what to do and what to bring in. Have invited my parents and inlaws to join us as the more ppl who attend this "ceremony", the better it is. Actually its not much of a ceremony. Its more of an official "entering" of the house and to bring in some household items to symbolise/bless the house with smooth and flowing wealth/luck.

Things that we did:

1) For the male master of the house (ie Ah Dear): he has to hold a lighted charcoal stove and upon entering the house, he is suppose to put the stove in a location in the kitchen (identify by the master) to make the house "Wang". A kettle full of water brought over from where we are currently staying (ie my inlaw's place) and cook it over that stove. Its to prevent "shui tu bu fu" after we have shifted in. In addition to that, Law has to bring in the 7 household item:

a) Cai - We used matchsticks for this

b) Mi - Rice

c) You - Oil

d) Yen - Salt

e) Jiang - light and dark soya sauce

f) Chu - Vinegar

g) Cha - Tea

2) For the female master of the house (ie me), i need to hold onto the "cash" which we uses gold coins to symbolise and upon entering the house, go to our house's "cai wei" ie fortune location and place the coins there.

For those guests who came with us, each would hold some auspicious items, like pineapple, our Fu Lu Shou statues or with just some cash/coins in their pockets.

Also to clarify some mis-practice on the Ru Zhai ceremony that most ppl do:

1) Charcoal stove : we are not suppose to "walk over" the stove when entering the house. According to the master, walking over the fire stove is only for bad luck ppl. By walking over the stove, its said to burn away the bad luck. So if normal ppl walked over, it would burn off our normal luck, thus its not good for the person.

2) Rolling of pineapple - We are not suppose to throw/roll the pineapple into the house. Hmmm cant remember whats the reason behind this (blamed this on pregnancy horomones), but we are told and reminded not to.

So after the small entering house ceremony, we have the 1st official lunch with the attendance of both families :)

Yummy food! After this, its followed by desserts : Tang Yuan, which symbolise Tuan Yuan for the family.

So now that the ceremony has been done, we can move in anytime we want :) So now its up to Bb Skyler to choose his birthday, after which once discharge from hospital, we will move in striaght away. So for now, its waiting and waiting and waiting for the moment..