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Chirstmas gathering at sis house

Today, its our annual Christmas gathering at my sis's house again. Gosh..time really flies. The last time i visited my sis's place was exactly 1 yr ago, for the same celebration! Haa..that time Trishelle is still a baby and was sleeping thru our whole gathering. This time, she is a acitve little toddler and simply just need a lot of attention! Haa..cant imagine how it would be for next more crying baby?

This yr round, me and my parents are incharge of buying the food. Thus we left for Gaint in the morning, then to collect our christmas cake and headed for my sis's place.

Trishelle with christmas present from yiyi

And what she got? Animal flash cards! Her favourite. She is a real animal lover!

With yiyi (she can call me now..but only say "yi"... haha just 1 word, yi.)

With gong gong

She is very guai when her daddy is cutting her nails. She will just sit there quietly and let him do the work.

Trishelle not only likes animals, she also love music and to dance with it.

The spread!
She just cant wait for it to start...


The star of the day - Christmas cottage house from PrimaDeli

Trishelle is exactly 18 mths old today. Too bad..forgot to request for candles from the cakeshop.