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Skyler's first taste of avocado

The recommended age for starting on semi-solid for bb is after 6 mths of age. However, Skyler has long since showed interest in the food tat we r eating. He would always watch us intensely when we r eating n when I pretend to offer him some, he would always open his mouth eagerly. Thus, I decided to start him on his fruit puree yesterday.

Did some reading/research and it's said that Avocado is one of the best first food for babies. When we introduce new food to them, we have to follow the four day rules. Ie, feed him the same food for at least 4 days before introducing another food.

So, early in the morning, I woke up to prepare the avocado puree. Blended 2 avocados with abt almost 100ml of bm. Unkin not sure if I did it correctly, but even with 100ml of bm, the puree seems thick.

Fed it to Skyler in-between his afternoon n evening milk feed. Conclusion, he loves it! He was happily n excitedly grabbing my hand (with the spoon) n pushing it into his mouth. He managed to finish half the baby cube worth of Avocado.

Avocado puree

Getting ready for his first taste

Firstly, let him examine his food

Yum yum!!

Became a 花脸猫 after the feeding lol...

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