Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Facts about Skyler

- At 6 weeks plus, he is 55 cm long and weighs 5kg (now at 8 weeks, weight is about 5.3kg)

- He will smile at me first thing in the morning (that is if he is in a good mood)

- He can now make some sounds other than eh eh eh and crying, such as coo-ing

- He likes to hold onto my finger whe drinking his milk

- When frighten, he likes to burrow into my arms

- He likes to "talk" to his "frens" - which are the cot bumper and cot mobile

- He likes to sleep in his net rocker

- He sleeps better on our bed

- He can burp and fart simultaneously

- He can puke out ALOT of milk

- He can drink 80ml of water + 80ml of milk in 1 feeding

- He can drink every hourly or every 2 hourly depending on his mood

- He will make a face when given FM ; when BM not enough :(

- He can pee twice within a short time span , eg bath time (which ususally last lesser than 10 mins)

- He can poo ALOT

- He likes to be carried to sleep (haiz...)