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kPmG dInNeR & dAnCe 2006

This is my very first D&D! Didnt go for last year's cos its on the same day as my sis's wedding. The dinner was held at Stamford the Raffles (Westin) on the 25th Nov. Here are some pics:

Team A (Augustine, Xiaoyan, Lillian, Sophia, Jimmy, Me, Yenling and Siti), Jimmy is not a manager, but he sure pose like one!

Sarah, our birthday girl and my most impt junior!! (Thanks for your help at Smit!)

Best Buddies!!

Some of us (all S4 and below)

After the dinner, some of us made our way to New Asia Bar

While making our way up

The gang that went for second round

Cheers!! So Christmas-ly :D

The guys

Our shots

Last shot for the night