Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

7 mths milestone

Another month has passed...and i am still pumping! Hee..ok lets target at 8 mths ok. Pray tat ss will last till then. Skyler's milestone for this mth:

- Tried papaya, sweet potato, pumpkin, banana, carrot, avocado and broccoli puree. Love all except broccoli, which he puked once and refuse to eat it thereafter..

- Started on Oatmeal cereal, likes it too. Also tried HappyBellies melts and puff

- Greedy boy..wanna eat watever we eat. Fed him rice and salmon too :P

- Able to crawl forward, but his style is: crawl 1 step, sit, crawl another step, sit -_-"

- Able to pull himself into a standing position

-"Grounded" him becos of that, so now he no longer sleeps in his cot, but on his mattress on the floor

- Started him on some trial gym classes and he loves doing all the stunts

- Becoming more and more sticky

- Weighs 8kg at 7 mths.