Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Skyler Wee

There are so many things that i liked about my bb. I liked the way he looked, the way he smell, the way he behaves (except when he start to shout for attention..). I liked it when Skyler:

- Give me his ultimate sunshine smile early in the morning when i greet him good morning

- “Talk” to his cot mobile to self-entertain himself when he is awake in the morning but me and daddy are still sleeping

- “Sing” with me when i sing to him

- “Talk” to me and give me his 100% attention when i am talking to him

- Self rock himself by kicking his legs when placed on his rocker

- Play with his caterpillar’s legs (which acts as his bolster for the time being) or the corner of his pillow when drifting into sleep

- Gives me his innocent puppy eyes look

- Lie on his tummy and watch me getting ready for work every morning

- Laugh out loud / smile in his sleep

- Smile when he was sang “When you happy and you know” and when daddy play peek-a-boo with him

- snuggle with me on my bed when sleeping