Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers


Guess, i was "given" the honour of taking over a "very good" job from my colleague who would be leaving the company by end of Mar. Its a charity organisation called Kidney Dialysis Foundation. The company is a little like NKF but of a smaller scale. This arrow was shot so last min, i felt like telling my manager off! The APM (audit planning meeting) is tomorrow at 930am and the agenda for the meeting was not even drawn up yet. Furthermore i have to attend another meeting today so that leaves me with very little time to understand the company and to come up with the agenda...hai...really poor management skill....even if they wanna shoot arrow, should have done it earlier so that we have time to prepare for it.

Anyway, luckily my meeting didnt last as long as the previous one (which took us more than half a day!) , thus i still manage to work out the agenda by today. After going through last year's files, found that this could be quite an interesting job. The audit approach would be quite different from the audits that i have done before. Am looking forward to it :) However the timeline crashes with 3 of my other jobs which would be running concurrently. So i hope that i wont drown in another series of peak period in Apr~May....wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Keep it up. More exposures are good for your future undertakings.