Born on 25th Jul, we celebrated Skyler's full month party on 22nd Aug. Its a 2 in 1 celebration as its also our house warming party. I did up an e-invite using a pic taken during Skyler's infant PS n sent out a week or 2 before the actual day. Thanks to all the people who turned up for his celebration. It was a bit chaotic as there were TOO MANY ppl turning up at the same of them said they couldnt make up but eventually did turned up n some said will come later came at 12+.. so in the end the food tat we ordered wasnt enough n we have to re-order another round of food fom neo garden. By the end of the day, all of us were totally knocked out. Ok, lets just let the pics do the talking..

"Birthday Boy" - woke up early in the morning. Seems like he can sense the excitement in the air Divers Anilao gang
Sec school frens
Hubby's primary school frens
Family photo :D
We shaved off Skyler's head on his full month so....

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