Celebrated mooncake festival at hillview on Saturday. The condo management organised a get together party whereby they give out lanterns, catered buffet and provide mooncakes. There are popcorns, candy floss and various games for the kids to play. Its Skyler's first mooncake festival too! So i bought him a Thomas Train lantern. Haa, even though he doesnt know how to hold the lantern yet, but at least he enjoy the music coming from it and the light (he love to see lights..not sure why also..lol). But realise Skyler is a bit afraid to be in mist of crowd. My mom who was carrying him says he will crouch closer towards her body and remain very still. Wanted to join in the lantern walk at night, but Skyler was sleeping thru out and i was a bit late in gg dwn, so miss it. Nv, there is always next year :)

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