Went for my 38th weeks checkup today and Bb Skyler weighs 3.1kg. I told Dr Yam that i noticed lesser movement from Skyler for the past 1 ~ 2 days. After some checking, measuring and scanning, Dr Yam suggest that i do the CTG scan to check. And so, i was directed to Mt A for the scan. Haa i was a bit reluctant to go since i was at Boon Lay and needed to travel all the way down to Mt A at Thomson. Hmm..think Dr Yam must be thinking why this new mama so not anxious abt her own bb :P

So here i am, strapped to CTG at Mt A. After an hr on CTG, nurse declared everything is all right, no contractions as yet (Bb Skyler too comforty in mama's tummy) and Bb Skyler's heartbeat is very good and strong.
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