A week has passed n Skyler boy is 7 days old! This one week just flew past with lots of adjustment n getting used to. Ever since i came home on tuesday, i have not slept longer than 3 hrs in a stretch, except for last night where i felt sick n didnt wake up for the ususal 4am+ pump. In the end i woke up at 7am+ n I felt so much more rested but with full, leaking n painful breasts. Its really tough being a mom..just pumping alr took up a LOT of my time n rest. Aching all over now. Luckily i still have my CL who take care of my boy, feed him, bathe him, change his diapers n cook for me just so i ca rest in between my pumps. Really not looking fwd to the day she is gg to leave.... sob sob.. also, during this period, i was pretty emo, which according to Dr Yam, its normal as my hormones r returning to its normal level, thus for a short period of time, the drastic decrease in hormone levels will make us emo. Lucky hubby is quite understanding n will humor me...hehe..thanks dear! Hopefully will feel better abt myself n everything soon.
Brought Skyler to the PD for his 1 week checkup yesterday. He has since put on abt 400g after discharging from hospital (birth weight - 3.3kg, discharge weight : 3.1kg, yesterday's weight : 3.5kg) n has grew 2cm. Jaundice level is low so dun need to sun him :)

This is now his fav position...wonder whats so nice abt smelling his own mittens..lol..
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