1 week old

Bb Skyler has arrived
Started feeling mild contractions ard 8am on 24th Jul. At that time, it was 8 mins apart and feels like mild mense cramps. Since i have a gynae apptm that same morning, i wasnt too concern about it.

Ta-da! Freshly delivered
39th week check
Hai, got a feeling i might end up needing to induce. My mom mentioned that both me and my sis are induced babies and both of my sis's kids are induced babies as well. So maybe it runs in the family that we all needs to be induced? lol... But its getting on my nerve when everyday there would be someone asking me if i have given birth or not, or why have i not given birth yet. I mean how would i know why i have not given birth yet? Bb just dun wanna come out loh. Thats such a stupid qn right! And its getting very stressful too when u see your peeps giving birth one by one and you are still waiting... hai... gg crazy over this waiting period. Really excited to see how Bb Skyler looks like. Hee, like me or like hubby...
KS diaper bag

So pretty right...
Confinement rules
1) cannot have a fan blowing directly at you - will cause wind in body
2) cannot bathe, wash hair or be in contact with water for too long (then i wonder who is gg to bathe the bb???) - will cause rheumatism during old age
3) cannot stand while eating or drinking - will cause womb to fall out
4) cannot drink plain water. Can only drink either red dates or logan tea - cant remember why no plain water..
5) must wear long sleeves top and long pants - to prevent wind from entering body
6) must wear slipper at home as feet cannot be in direct contact with the floor - due to wind also
Most of these rules are directed at having wind in body which will cause rheumatism during old age. But then again, for the old folks who have been reminding and demanding us to follow such rules, didn't they practice such rules when they are doing their confinement? If so, then why are they still aching and having rheumatism now? Whats the use of following these rules when it didn't work? That only means 1 thing. Such stupid rules doesn't hold. It dun mean that by not bathing, blowing fan, or not drinking plain water during confinement period = no aching or rheumatism. Aching and rheumatism are part and parcel of old age, unless you can prove to me that by following such rules, i wont be aching when i am old, then i will be glad to do it, if not, sorry to say..i will try my best to do it, but if stress + tired over caring for my newborn + PNB, these rules are the last on my mind. So pls stop nagging me to wear long sleeves, long pants, no fan, no plain water, no this , no that..its getting very irritating..
"Ru Zhai" loh!

Yummy food! After this, its followed by desserts : Tang Yuan, which symbolise Tuan Yuan for the family.
So now that the ceremony has been done, we can move in anytime we want :) So now its up to Bb Skyler to choose his birthday, after which once discharge from hospital, we will move in striaght away. So for now, its waiting and waiting and waiting for the moment..

So here i am, strapped to CTG at Mt A. After an hr on CTG, nurse declared everything is all right, no contractions as yet (Bb Skyler too comforty in mama's tummy) and Bb Skyler's heartbeat is very good and strong.
38 weeks
Bad memory during pregnancy - Its true!
Your Brain on Choline During Pregnancy
Lost so many brain cells, you're afraid you'll leave the baby on the bus? Choline to the rescue!
Can't remember where you left the car keys — or where you left the car? Showing up on Tuesday afternoon for a Monday morning meeting? Have your desk blanketed in Post-its reminding you to be home for that crib delivery — but managed to miss it anyway? Pregnancy forgetfulness has a way of sneaking up on you without any warning (or maybe you got a warning but you forgot). Here's a slightly unsettling, yet illuminating explanation why you've been having senior moments ever since you started gestating junior.
For sure, hormones play a part (the same ones that kick in when you're premenstrual — except they kick in at much higher levels, leaving you in a much thicker fog). But it also turns out — just as you suspected last time you spaced out when you were supposed to turn off the oven and ended up with burnt chicken instead of baked chicken — that your brain has actually been shrinking during pregnancy. Researchers have noted that the brain cell volume of pregnant women actually decreases during the third trimester of pregnancy, only to plump up a few months after delivery. So you're not imagining your brain drain at 38 weeks pregnant (and you have a valid medical excuse for why you forgot to pay the electric bill until the lights started flickering).
Article extracted from whattoexpect.comFinally the template is up
Forum down
In some way i think he is true. Looking at my ticker counting down to THE day, its just another 20 days away +/- ..seems scary...20 days are very short. After that our lifestyle would change forever. I cant go out as and when i like, i need to accomodate to the timing of our "KING". I cant have undisturb sleep for 5 hrs in a row, cos i need to wake up for the feed/pump. And there are a lot of i cant this, i cant that...but on the other hand, in exchange, i would have our precious bundle of joy (hehe hopefully) in my arms, watching him grow and progress, an experience which no one else can take on :) so its a trade off :P
Am looking fwd and not looking fwd to THE day..haha so contradict ya.
37th week checkup

37 weeks
F8 Angels photoshoot
After the shoot, went to collect some furnitures and appliances from auntie Roslyn for our new house. Thanks aunty Roslyn! Brought the items back to bukit batok before going back to my parents' place for dinner.