The embryo measures a little less than one-fifth of an inch long and looks more like a tadpole than a human. The forebrain forms a hollow stalk on either side and develops small cups -- the base of each will become an eyeball. Inside the cup, skin cells will turn into a lens and cornea. The heart, no bigger than a poppy seed, is beating now, and primitive red blood cells circulate through the fetus and chorionic villi. The neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, closes at this time. One end of the tube forms the brain, the other the spinal cord.

Symptons: No one would know you're pregnant just by looking at you, but you're definitely aware of it, thanks to early symptoms, such as tender breasts and nipples, constant fatigue, and frequent bathroom trips. --> ya,, i definitely have all those! Arghh!
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