Wake up early in the morning for my apptm at NUH for the Oscar Test. Apptm was suppose to be at 950am, but in the ended, we waited till 10.45am before we are being called in..duhz..thus meanwhile, we went for breakfast first. Also i read from the forum that we must empty our bladder before gg for the scan. Thus before gg back to the clinic, i made a toilet trip and was back in the clinci by 1030am..another 15 mins wait before our turned.
Waiting for our turn..
My sonographer was a malay lady Dr who is quite nice. She did explain to us on the various parts of the bb. The main test of this scan was to take the measurement of the thickness of the skin behind bb's neck. But bb not corporative and Dr said i had a FULL bladder, thus i was asked to go to the toilet to empty my bladder (imagine a full bladder with just a 15 mins wait..duhz) and walk ard before gg back in to scan. Hopefully bb has shifted into a better position.. luckily the second scan was a successful one and bb's neck thickness was measured at 1.3mm which is within the normal range. Next, i was asked to go for the blood test. The full oscar test consist the scan and the blood test, which would give me a combine result stating the risk of bb having down syndrome.

Like my dad, i have small veins. The nure first tried to draw blood from my left arm, but after poking ard for quite a few times, she didnt manage to draw any blood (its damn painful). So she shifted to the right hand to try her luck. Also after a few pokes, she finally managed to draw the required blood..but by then, my arm was alr badly bruise.. :( sob sob
So now, is just waiting for the lab result on the blood analysis..keeping finger cross.
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