Honeymoon Day 12
Today is shopping time! Also, tmr we are gg back alr.. sad .. Anyway, we met up with Ruowei today! She is my childhood fren who is staying in Sydney together with her bf (he was seconded to Sydney for work). She brought us ard shopping in Sydney and because today is a saturday, there are quite a few weekend markets. :)
Firstly we went to Market City where Paddy's market is. Its just within walking distant from our hotel (really loved the location of our hotel)
Paddy's market is located at the ground floor of Market City. Its like Cha-too-cha (err..the bangkok market, not sure of the spelling), only its smaller and not that stuffy and with Sydney's recent weather, its quite a cooling experience to shop there :) We bought ALL our souvenirs from Paddy's

After Paddy's, we went upstairs for more shopping and bought more macadiam nuts. As we are quite budget, we decided to forgo the Tim Sum lunch and had lunch at a local foodcourt instead. Actually, meals in Australia are quite expensive. A bowl of noodles or rice could easily cost up to AUD8 - AUD10+. So lets not complain about Singapore's foodcourt price of S$3-S$5 ya. We went back to the hotel to drop the shopping bags before heading down to Circular Quay for The Rock's market (another weekend market). The things found at The Rocks Market are more "artistic". More for home-used or display purpose, unlike those found at Paddy's which are mostly souvenirs.
Soon, its time for dinner. We went to this restaurant call Lowenbrau which is famous for its German food. The pork kuckles are delicious! By far its the best among all the pork kuckles that i have eaten! Definitely a must go at Circular Quay. Due to the popularity of the restaurant, we only managed to secure a seat outside. But thats okie as the weather is nice, with the temp a bit chilly and a heater above our heads. We drank some beer to warm our stomach while waiting for Wang Jie (Ruowei's bf).

A thing to note, thru out our Australia trip, we saw a lot of Hen's nite during this time in Australia. And the brides are really being dressed up in props (funny and daring props i would say). While seating at Lowenbrau, we saw at least 3 Hen's nite brides. We also saw a real bride the other day we were at Circular Quay. The weather was VERY , with me and law zipping up our jackets all the way and still shivering underneath. And there she was, wearing her tube gown, walking effortless and doesnt seems to be a bit cold at all. The POWER of a BRIDE is GREAT! Salute!!
After dinner, we went to Ruowei's place for a visit after which we headed down to Darling Harbour for Pancakes On The Rock. Their pancakes are delicious too! Need to thanks Ruowei for bringing us to all these great places which serve great food! :D

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