As most of you would know that Law and i have been arranging for a charity lunch event for some 40 old folks. The event was on 29 Apr and finally over! has been a tiring 2-3 weeks for us. I didnt realise that so much work would be involved to organise such a simple lunch event.
First we have to raise funds and from there, to decide what to buy for the old folks, what games to play, what prices to give and what food to provide. From sourcing of suitable caterer to the stores that sells the cheapest provisions. We have spent almost every night for the past week or two to go from shops to shops to compare prices.
Thanks to all the generous soul out there, we have raised a total of $1,814, our of which, $1,019 was used to buy provision for 40 old folks and $601.50 goes to the cater food + rental of venue + rental of bus. The rest goes to the prizes for the games played.
Law and i with the help of Bernard bought all the provisions and packed it at my place.

The various provision items

The standard provision that goes into 1 pack

The standard food items that goes into 1 pack

The standard 1 pack - 1 pack of cream crackers, 1 pack of Lee Marie biscuits, 2 tins of condense milk, 1 tin of milo, 1 tin of Quakers Oats, 2 Tiger brand joint pain plasters, 1 tub of counterpain, 1 tub of toothpaste, 1 bottle of medicated oil, 1 bottle of snake powder and 1 tiger balm.

Took a pic of law packing the goodies while i take a break :P (Hey, i also did help to pack okie..)

Lastly, got to stack it nicely so that no one would trip over them.
Would update my blog on the actual event itself after Law upload the pics onto the internet.
PS: Thanks Xuehui for helping us in sourcing some of the goodies too.
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