After much preparation, we finally got to the lunch event day! Its on Sun, 29 Apr at the Lion Befriender center and AMK. Only after we reached there did i realised that i have forgotten to bring the Ang Baos and Law shot me that killing look !!!!!!!!!!! :( In the end, i took a cab back home to take the ang baos.
Briefing session before the start of the event
When i got back to the center, they have already finished the first game and is playing the second game alr. It was quite a short and sweet event, with 2 games and a buffet lunch.

The old folks

Playing Bingo!

Yum Yum...

Time to go home: collecting the door gift holding the Ang Baos
Would like to thanks the following ppl:
1)Xuehui, Jiahui, Jacq, Huiping and law's mom for helping out in the event
2)June, Huiting, Jiesheng and Rasida for helping out in the event and also helping us to sweep and mob the floor!! These youngsters are damn nice, to "auto" sweep and mob floor without being asked to!! Thanks!
3) Claudia + bf + her sis + her sis's bf, for helping to run the event and to make it such a successful one!
And lastly all those donors!!!!! Thanks for ur generous donations!
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