Its amazing how "love" can change your emotion so drastically. How a simple action like doing window shopping together...lazing ard together can make you feel so in love. But a simple word/sentence can make u so pissed off and hurt at the same time. Is that what love is about?
~*@ BaBy @*~
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on Wednesday, May 23, 2007
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At last, Law got me "my cushion" for his car. It came in the form of a teddy. :) We got it from Build A Bear shop at Vivo. I choose it myself and name it Baby. Actually its Law who tot of the name...know why? Cos his name in Chinese is Ying Xiang and my chinese name is Hui'er. So putting our names together, its becomes Ying' thats why "Baby"!! Haha... quite innovative right?
At Build A Bear shop, you get to stuff your own teddy. First of all, you choose your teddy, then next u can choose to go to the sound station whereby you can add a voice to your teddy (we choose to skip that). Next would be the stuff section where u get to operate the machine which stuff cotton wools into your teddy..err...actually all that i need to do is to step on the pedal to start the machine and the sales girl would be the one holding the teddy and rotating it around to stuff it. After that, you get to choose a heart for your teddy. You are suppose to give it a good rub and make a wish and place the heart into your teddy. The sales girl will then proceed to "stitch up" your teddy. Next, you can go to the Fluff station to "bathe" your teddy, followed by the clothing section whereby you can buy clothes for your teddy. We skipped that station too and lastly, it would be the Name station where u get to name your teddy and create its Birth Certificate. Its so cool right, to be able to create your own personal teddy.
Baby's birth certificate!
Baby's house
Family outing - 12 May 07
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on Sunday, May 20, 2007
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It has been a long time since i last went our with my family, thus i asked Law to get his Company's privilege card so that we can have some free entries to certain attractions in Singapore. We went to sit Cable Car, Caslberg Tower (at sentosa) and finally to the DHL Balloon.
Dad + Mum
My Po Po
We took the Cable from from HF --> Mount Faber --> Sentosa --> Back to HF. We stopped over at Sentosa so that they can get a ride on the caslberg tower. It would have cost about $20 per person per ride, but they got in free. As the card only allow free entries for 3 pax, i did not join them and was waiting downstairs.
Taken at Caslberg Tower (while waiting to get on the ride)
After that, we proceed to Bugis Junction for dinner and for the DHL Balloon ride. windy
The whole ride lasted for abt 10 mins and if we were to pay, each person would cost $23!! So its practically $2/min...haha...
Next, we went to the Dessert Shop that was recommended by Bro Y and XH; Qi De Chi (Remember to eat). It such a small world, the owner of the shop is actually staying in the same condo as us and she recognise my popo...haha in the end, we got discount and the desserts were served to us super fast (even thought the shop was packed to the max!)
My mango + Grape fruit ice blend
My parent's Almond and Walnut paste
It has been a great night out. Hoped that they have enjoyed themselves!
Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home - 6 May 07
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This is the 2nd charity event of the year for me. But this time round, its for a childrens' home. Children in the home comes from broken family whereby their parents do not have the ability to take care of them.
Actaully i find that planning an event for a children home is more difficult as compared to the old folks as there are different age grps of kids ranging from 4 - 16 years old. We did customise some "goodies bag" for the kids with different items for gals and boys and for different age group too.
Packing was done on that day under hot sun!! Maybe this is a good idea, as everyone was super fast in packing...just to get out of the
These colour bags are for the boys whereby we have put standard items such as towel, shampoo, pencil, crayons, stickers, mini games into each bags and tagged it with the child's name. The gals got their goodies in draw string pouches.
We reached the home at ard 3+ in the afternoon and the children are super friendly! At first we are still afraid that they would be shy and it would be hard to get them warm up. But i guess all these worries are for nothing. These kids basically likes attention and would hug / click on to you. The guys were assigned to play ball games with the older kids and us gals were assigned to play with the younger kids. And i tell you, the younger kids were damn hyper!! Its quite hard to keep them sitting still to listen to you. We played games like catching, dog and bone.
After dinner, we gave out the goodies bag to them and you can see the smiles on their faces. It really melts my heart. I am glad that we are able to bring some happiness to them in the midst of their lives.
No entries
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on Saturday, May 19, 2007
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Sorry for the lack of blog entries. But very busy lately and have quite some entries to update too. Will do so soon!!
Posted by
on Wednesday, May 09, 2007
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Some guys are just completely hopeless....
Old folks lunch charity event
Posted by
on Sunday, May 06, 2007
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After much preparation, we finally got to the lunch event day! Its on Sun, 29 Apr at the Lion Befriender center and AMK. Only after we reached there did i realised that i have forgotten to bring the Ang Baos and Law shot me that killing look !!!!!!!!!!! :( In the end, i took a cab back home to take the ang baos.
Briefing session before the start of the event
When i got back to the center, they have already finished the first game and is playing the second game alr. It was quite a short and sweet event, with 2 games and a buffet lunch.

The old folks

Playing Bingo!

Yum Yum...

Time to go home: collecting the door gift holding the Ang Baos
Would like to thanks the following ppl:
1)Xuehui, Jiahui, Jacq, Huiping and law's mom for helping out in the event
2)June, Huiting, Jiesheng and Rasida for helping out in the event and also helping us to sweep and mob the floor!! These youngsters are damn nice, to "auto" sweep and mob floor without being asked to!! Thanks!
3) Claudia + bf + her sis + her sis's bf, for helping to run the event and to make it such a successful one!
And lastly all those donors!!!!! Thanks for ur generous donations!
Pre-Charity Event
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As most of you would know that Law and i have been arranging for a charity lunch event for some 40 old folks. The event was on 29 Apr and finally over! has been a tiring 2-3 weeks for us. I didnt realise that so much work would be involved to organise such a simple lunch event.
First we have to raise funds and from there, to decide what to buy for the old folks, what games to play, what prices to give and what food to provide. From sourcing of suitable caterer to the stores that sells the cheapest provisions. We have spent almost every night for the past week or two to go from shops to shops to compare prices.
Thanks to all the generous soul out there, we have raised a total of $1,814, our of which, $1,019 was used to buy provision for 40 old folks and $601.50 goes to the cater food + rental of venue + rental of bus. The rest goes to the prizes for the games played.
Law and i with the help of Bernard bought all the provisions and packed it at my place.

The various provision items

The standard provision that goes into 1 pack

The standard food items that goes into 1 pack

The standard 1 pack - 1 pack of cream crackers, 1 pack of Lee Marie biscuits, 2 tins of condense milk, 1 tin of milo, 1 tin of Quakers Oats, 2 Tiger brand joint pain plasters, 1 tub of counterpain, 1 tub of toothpaste, 1 bottle of medicated oil, 1 bottle of snake powder and 1 tiger balm.

Took a pic of law packing the goodies while i take a break :P (Hey, i also did help to pack okie..)

Lastly, got to stack it nicely so that no one would trip over them.
Would update my blog on the actual event itself after Law upload the pics onto the internet.
PS: Thanks Xuehui for helping us in sourcing some of the goodies too.