Went to Law's place today. Our main aim of the day was to go to Jurong Point's Giodarno to get the shorts (which i saw at wisma yesterday but didnt buy). But first, i dropped by Optical 88 at Jurong Central to change the nose piece of my frameless specs (its getting very yellowish and disgusting with those green alga). As in my new current condition, i reckon that i would be wearing glasses (including when going for work!! OMG!!!) for quite some time, thus need to get it changed...
Guess i was influenced by Law..thus on the way to JP:

Funny Faces again
More funny faces
Didnt managed to get the shorts as the Giodarno at JP is having sale and they didnt carry any new arrival....duhz...made me go all the way there.
Law came to my place to swim after dinner. It has been raining for the whole day but the water was suprisingly not as cold as we tot it would be!! Haha..but we didnt swim much..just soak in the water and chit chat.
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