Met up with Serene and Bingying (my poly frens) yesterday for an afternoon of chit chat and relax at TCC Cafe, Raffles. Been there once with Jovis. Its a nice place for rest and relax. The place has 2 storey. First storey with the normal tables and chairs and the second storey is made up of low tables, cushions and beanbags. They have a very cosy environment and you can really laze ard whole day, ordering finger food, coffee and chat your way through :P

a bit blur...

Me n Serene

Bingying n Serene

My Mocha Orea

Mushroom soup

Chicken n Mushroom sandwich
I got to leave early as i have a BBQ session at my colleague's house. We met up at ard 4pm at YCK MRT and we were early..the host and the rest of them actually met up earlier to buy and prepare the BBQ food and were not back home yet. So ended up we have to wait at the club house for them. The BBQ was also a cosy event as there were only 11 of us. But its still an enjoyable night. We BBQ, eat, gossip, bitch, nag and complained about
Ah boon, our fire
Bev, Billie and Cindy
Calvin's creation : Bacon wrapped ard asparagus. It looks nice, but not very tasty :P As its too salty and worst of all, fattening!!!!!!!!
Our feast!
It seems that recently my this bunch of colleagues has taken into a trend of playing as in board games..before the start of the BBQ, we played MAD. Think it was a very popular game in the past (but i have not played it before) and its was fun! Like the name of the game, its total madness!! After the BBQ which was like 11pm, they decided to head down to Settler's cafe for another round of game. As i was tired and there are ppl who doesnt like me to go home late, i decided to give it a miss and so one of my colleague's husband fetched me home.
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