Went to the seagrass briefing (for next sat's seagrass transact studies@ sentosa) today. Our project leaders are Ria and Siti. Both are very fun, friendly and humorous ppl! I am sure we would have a great time working under them. For the project, we were being put into teams. Candice and i were being allocated into diff team, with me in Team Enhalus (Team E) and Candice in Team 640 (Team F - but errr..why 640 har??). The purpose of the project is to study the shore area at Sentosa, taking note of the growth there, any living marine sighted. As in the near future, there would be sea work being carried out at Labrador Park, this might affect the marine life at Sentosa, thus we are suppose to document the growth now and it can be used to compare with the growth that they would be carrying out a few years later (after the Labrador sea work is done). The briefing ended at 5pm and we made our way down to Sentosa for the Jazz @ the beach.
Today Law would be working late, as Sentosa is having a major function with about 4000+ guests. He was looking forward to it as its his first big event. Me didnt realise what 4000+ ppl really mean until we reached Sentosa. The blue line (as the event was held at Siloso Beach) was packed and the queue went almost til the toilet!!!! OMG!! These ppl were all dress in white and they are making a hell lot of noise!! We have no choice but to take the Yellow line to Palawan Beach and walked till half way before transferring to the Beach Tram. It took us almost an hour to reach our destination! If we were to take the blue line, it would be a mere 10~15mins only!! Crazy right!! Sentosa should have charted buses for these ppl. Imagine what the tourists felt when they encounter such things, it really make it so inconvenient for us. Luckily we are regulars and we know the way ard the island and how we could change buses in order to get to our destination...hai..the poor tourists...

Look at how hot we look..but still manage to force a smile...lol..
Today's singer is Paul from Harry's Bar. Candice's friend Michael joined us after his work (he is also working at sentosa, but working as a live talent at Images of Singapore). It was a hot night and we were getting restless..thus left ard 9pm+. Yutang came to fetch us home and gave us some egg tarts, dao sa pau and da pau.
The stage
Da pau
Egg + cheese tarts
When i say da pau, its really da pau!!
Thanks Yutang for the ride home and for the Dian Xins!!! Very delicious!!
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