Dive 1 - Started our first dive at 10am and its at Pulua Lang. Its only a check out dive; for us to get used to the water and the pressure. My mask keeps on fogging ( as i forgot to put toothpaste) so didnt really enjoy this dive as i was unfogging my mask every few mins. After that we back to Dayang for lunch where our next dive was at 2.30pm.

Dive 2 - This time we were doing one of our core advance diving subject, that is deep dive. Went to Reyne's Rock, where we descend dwn to 33m. I was actually being buddied up with Lawrence, but lost him when descending (after that realised that he couldn't equalized, thus needed more time to descend). So me ended up going with Halil, Isa and another instructor and diver. Its really different to descend to that depth. Firstly, its much colder and darker, secondly, the pressure is greater and we used up air much faster and we also face the danger of getting Nitrogen Narcosis, which is the posioning of nitrogen. Managed to find a sleeping Nurse Shark under one of the reef!! As Halil and Isa were running low on air, we decided to surface up. It really a lonnngg...surface lol.. As we are quite far from our boat, both Halil and Isa (both are quailfied Rescue Diver) deploy their sauage (luminious orange in colour which is used to seek attention of the boat).
Halil with his sauage
Dive 3 - Its at Captain's Point. In this dive, we did another advance dive subject which is Fish Identification. We learn how to identify fish from the same family. Its basically like a leisure dive but we have to take note of the fishes we saw and to identify them later.
Nudibranch-taken from my cam! So beautiful right! Its very small, like half the size of our last finger
Dive 4 - The last dive for the day was a Night Dive. This is also one of our Advance Diving subject. The night dive started at around 7pm and everyone of us are required to carry a torch. We were taught how to use the torch, like where to shine and how to shine/move the torch to sign for help etc. Its quite a scary dive as its a drift dive, meaning we dun really need to "swim", we just move along with the current. The drift was pretty strong and fast and together with the darkness...it all adds up to 2 words - "Scary" + "Panic"!! Lol....however we did manage to see large school of fishes!! And also Hermit Crab!!
This pic was taken with 3 torches shinning on it and me taking the shot.
Was damn tired after 4 dives. But still need to log dives. Asha was trying to teach us to use the Wheel Chart to plan for multi-level dives but we were partically switched off alr..brain not functioning..haha...however we did have the strength to play Indian Poker!!
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