Had a really good night sleep, but alas, need to wake up at 6.30am as our first dive is at 7.00am...cold!!!
Dive 5 - This dive we went back to Reynes's Rock, hoping to do another deep dive. But as the current is too strong and water too crowded with other divers..lol...we drop that idea and just went for a leisure dive. One fish which divers fear in the water is.....no, not shark....its actually a trigger fish! This type of fish is very aggressive and would attack a diver. My first encounter with a trigger fish was at Redang, where that trigger is nothing as compared to the one i saw at Reyne's Rock!! I only need to "shoo" the one at Redang with my hand and it swam away. While descending at Reyne's Rock, i saw 1 approaching Halil. As Halil descend faster than me, i was above him when i saw this big fish approaching him. At first i didnt realise its a trigger fish, i just wanna tell Halil that there is a big fish behind him. But then i suddenly remember my lesson on Fish Identification. Its a trigger fish and its dangerous! It attacks divers!! At once i can see Halil's expression changed. We quickly flee that area, but that trigger fish is damn persistent and it gave chase!! Can you imagine 3 full grown divers being chased 1 trigger fish!! lol....That fish chased us for quite some distant before turning back..but by then we are already very tired and shacked out, thus we dive for a while more before ending our dive early.

After that, its home sweet home. For the rest of the pics, can go to: Advance Dive - Dayang.
Dive 5 - This dive we went back to Reynes's Rock, hoping to do another deep dive. But as the current is too strong and water too crowded with other divers..lol...we drop that idea and just went for a leisure dive. One fish which divers fear in the water is.....no, not shark....its actually a trigger fish! This type of fish is very aggressive and would attack a diver. My first encounter with a trigger fish was at Redang, where that trigger is nothing as compared to the one i saw at Reyne's Rock!! I only need to "shoo" the one at Redang with my hand and it swam away. While descending at Reyne's Rock, i saw 1 approaching Halil. As Halil descend faster than me, i was above him when i saw this big fish approaching him. At first i didnt realise its a trigger fish, i just wanna tell Halil that there is a big fish behind him. But then i suddenly remember my lesson on Fish Identification. Its a trigger fish and its dangerous! It attacks divers!! At once i can see Halil's expression changed. We quickly flee that area, but that trigger fish is damn persistent and it gave chase!! Can you imagine 3 full grown divers being chased 1 trigger fish!! lol....That fish chased us for quite some distant before turning back..but by then we are already very tired and shacked out, thus we dive for a while more before ending our dive early.
When back on boat, Asha refresh 0ur memory on how to use the compass and taught us how to do a Square navigation underwater. This is our last subject for Advance Diving and we are going to do it in our next dive.
Dive 6 - This is our last dive for our trip. Its quite a shallow dive and we only need to perform our underwater navigation skill. After that its leisure dive. Isa and Asha took quite a few video clips during this dive. Will try to upload the videos (provided i manage to figure out how to do it :P)
Halil(below), Law in yellow weight belt, me in pink weight belt and Isa behind me
Holding onto the line while doing our safely stop
Asha, our dive instructor
After that, its home sweet home. For the rest of the pics, can go to: Advance Dive - Dayang.