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on Thursday, July 19, 2012
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yes! My amnio result is finally out n I m expecting a princess this time round!! Yeah!!!!!!!! 好好好好好很好! Hehe
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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on Friday, July 06, 2012
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18 Weeks
Starting using babyplus yesterday when i reached 18 weeks. Boy was there a great difference between now and when it was Skyler's time! Back then , even when i shorten the belt to the shortest length, I still need to use a rubber band to tie up the excess belt. But this time round, when i shorten it to the shortest length, it is in fact slightly tight..lol...hmmm...size is sssooo much bigger now :P Also, i am using bbplus in office. Save me the trouble of waking up earlier to on the machine risking waking skyler up at home.
Week 18
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on Wednesday, July 04, 2012
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Amnio test
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27 Jun'12
Went for my amnio test today. Not as painful as I thot it would be. It's like drawing blood. Prof Biswas was quick and within 3 mins, the procedure was done. But before that the sonographer did all the measurement for bb . Here is a pic of the little one. :)

The test cost us $1.1k+ we opted for the express result which is expected to be ready within 48 hrs. Was given 3 days hospitalisation leave as I need bed rest for the waterbag to heal. But as I just join SCO only, I am not allowed to take mc, so in the end I took no paid leave. And also cos I went on leave just last week, very paisei to keep taking leave.
Hubby bought me this to reward me for being so brave today for the test!

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Went for my amnio test today. Not as painful as I thot it would be. It's like drawing blood. Prof Biswas was quick and within 3 mins, the procedure was done. But before that the sonographer did all the measurement for bb . Here is a pic of the little one. :)
The test cost us $1.1k+ we opted for the express result which is expected to be ready within 48 hrs. Was given 3 days hospitalisation leave as I need bed rest for the waterbag to heal. But as I just join SCO only, I am not allowed to take mc, so in the end I took no paid leave. And also cos I went on leave just last week, very paisei to keep taking leave.
Hubby bought me this to reward me for being so brave today for the test!
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Result is out!!
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28 Jun'12
NUH just called n I m cleared of all the 3 syndrome!!! Yeah!!!!! Felt so relief now! Was so worried for the past few weeks!!!! They r fast! Results out within 24 hrs.
Also during gynae's scan yesterday, I m most prob having a princess! Dr Yam scanned from all sides n corners but found nothing below. But he doesn't wanna commit. Asked me to wait for the amnio test result. Lol. The gender result would only be out with the full report. Another 12 days more to mystery to be solved! :D can't wait n start shopping!
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NUH just called n I m cleared of all the 3 syndrome!!! Yeah!!!!! Felt so relief now! Was so worried for the past few weeks!!!! They r fast! Results out within 24 hrs.
Also during gynae's scan yesterday, I m most prob having a princess! Dr Yam scanned from all sides n corners but found nothing below. But he doesn't wanna commit. Asked me to wait for the amnio test result. Lol. The gender result would only be out with the full report. Another 12 days more to mystery to be solved! :D can't wait n start shopping!
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Kicking away
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18 Jun'12 - 15 weeks 4 days
Baby has been very active tonight, kicking away at the same spot on and off for abt an hr+. Maybe he/she can feel that i am excited about the up coming trip. Going on a babymoon without hubby from Wed to Fri. heheh does that still consider as babymoon? hmm....
Sob sob
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7 Jun'12
Visited Dr Yam for my Oscar blood test result today. I wasn't worried cos the clinic did not called me before that (if the result is bad, they would have called me immediately). When I reached, Dr Yam took a look at my report n congrats me saying my risk is very low; 1:10k+. I was relieved at the news but less than 2 seconds n after a 2nd look at the report, he face changed! Then he broke the news to me... The blood test tested not just for DS but also for ES n PS. My ratio for ES n PS wasn't very good , particularly for ES... In the end we decided to go my amnio test (on 27 June).
After some research, ES is actually a fatal problem whereby either the mother will have a late miss carriage, still birth or even if managed a live birth, most likely won't pass 1 yr old. I was very scared n cried for the whole night. I kept wondering y me? There is no such history in our family n I m not near 35. I m healthy n so is ah dear. So y me? Hubby asked me not to think too much as nothing was confirmed yet. Also alot of frens told me that blood test isn't that accurate n lots of mom had bad results for blood test but amnio result turns out ok. Let's just hope that everything will really turns out ok. Keeping fingers crossed very tightly.

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Visited Dr Yam for my Oscar blood test result today. I wasn't worried cos the clinic did not called me before that (if the result is bad, they would have called me immediately). When I reached, Dr Yam took a look at my report n congrats me saying my risk is very low; 1:10k+. I was relieved at the news but less than 2 seconds n after a 2nd look at the report, he face changed! Then he broke the news to me... The blood test tested not just for DS but also for ES n PS. My ratio for ES n PS wasn't very good , particularly for ES... In the end we decided to go my amnio test (on 27 June).
After some research, ES is actually a fatal problem whereby either the mother will have a late miss carriage, still birth or even if managed a live birth, most likely won't pass 1 yr old. I was very scared n cried for the whole night. I kept wondering y me? There is no such history in our family n I m not near 35. I m healthy n so is ah dear. So y me? Hubby asked me not to think too much as nothing was confirmed yet. Also alot of frens told me that blood test isn't that accurate n lots of mom had bad results for blood test but amnio result turns out ok. Let's just hope that everything will really turns out ok. Keeping fingers crossed very tightly.

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13 Jun'12
Sian, having cravings for Maggie mee at this hr! (currently 12.09am) ok mind over body. Gg sleep it off.
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Sian, having cravings for Maggie mee at this hr! (currently 12.09am) ok mind over body. Gg sleep it off.
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Little kicks
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03 Jun 12 - 13 weeks+
I first felt the soft butterfly kicks when I was 12 weeks plus. Just now, I felt a few kicks again :) can't believe it that I can feel the kicks so early in the pregnancy. I only felt Skyler's kicks when i was in my 18th week. Looking fwd to more of such kicks!
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I first felt the soft butterfly kicks when I was 12 weeks plus. Just now, I felt a few kicks again :) can't believe it that I can feel the kicks so early in the pregnancy. I only felt Skyler's kicks when i was in my 18th week. Looking fwd to more of such kicks!
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Finally the Oscar test
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01 Jun 12
Went for my Oscar today n finally got to see bb again after 3 long weeks. Bb is more fully formed now n we can see his/her hands, legs, head n body. So cute!
When I am having Skyler, some time I will forget that I m pregnant. Now with Skyler being a 2 yr old, I hardly even remember I m currently pregnant! Cos all my attention is on Skyler. And now that he is gg into his terrible two stage, he is demanding even more attention from us. It's always mommy this, mommy that. In a way I m afraid I would neglect #2 in the future...
Anyway, the scan result is ok. Now I have to wait for the blood test result. Hope that alls well.

A lot of mommies commented that bb has got long legs. Hehe like mommy n daddy bah.

Sonographer is being generous n gave me 3 scan photos. In the first pic above, can see bb's hands n legs. 2nd pic is a close up of bb's face.
At 13 weeks, bb is 75mm in CRL. Considered as normal size. :) can't wait for my next gynae visit in 1 week's time.
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Went for my Oscar today n finally got to see bb again after 3 long weeks. Bb is more fully formed now n we can see his/her hands, legs, head n body. So cute!
When I am having Skyler, some time I will forget that I m pregnant. Now with Skyler being a 2 yr old, I hardly even remember I m currently pregnant! Cos all my attention is on Skyler. And now that he is gg into his terrible two stage, he is demanding even more attention from us. It's always mommy this, mommy that. In a way I m afraid I would neglect #2 in the future...
Anyway, the scan result is ok. Now I have to wait for the blood test result. Hope that alls well.
A lot of mommies commented that bb has got long legs. Hehe like mommy n daddy bah.
Sonographer is being generous n gave me 3 scan photos. In the first pic above, can see bb's hands n legs. 2nd pic is a close up of bb's face.
At 13 weeks, bb is 75mm in CRL. Considered as normal size. :) can't wait for my next gynae visit in 1 week's time.
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Where r u baby?
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Finally managed to pop over to Dr Yam's clinic for the check after changing apptm for a few times. He still remembers us! He even remembered that we were previously shifting house when I had Skyler. He said we looked the same n he did too. :) it's like a happy reunion for the 3 of us lol but it wasn't such a happy mood subsequently.
When we tried to scan for the sac, we can't find any. Dr Yam said 3 possibilities . 1, pregnancy is too early to see anything, 2 early miscarriage and 3 ectopic. After some discussion we were thinking that no 1 reason could be it. Cos so far I did not have any discharge or anything. So can't be miscarriage. And I didn't feel any pain or bleeding so might not be ectopic too. So in the end, took blood test. But Dr Yam warned that if I feel any pain or is bleeding, must admit to hospital immediately cos ectopic might be life threatening. Sounds so scary ya.
A day later, the blood results is out. HCG is at 794. So definitely is pregnant. Rightly in 2 days time, HCG level will double up n should be able to see sac when it reaches abt 1500. So later we r gg to make a trip dwn to gleneagles for a scan. Hopefully it's good news this time round. Cross fingers...
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Finally managed to pop over to Dr Yam's clinic for the check after changing apptm for a few times. He still remembers us! He even remembered that we were previously shifting house when I had Skyler. He said we looked the same n he did too. :) it's like a happy reunion for the 3 of us lol but it wasn't such a happy mood subsequently.
When we tried to scan for the sac, we can't find any. Dr Yam said 3 possibilities . 1, pregnancy is too early to see anything, 2 early miscarriage and 3 ectopic. After some discussion we were thinking that no 1 reason could be it. Cos so far I did not have any discharge or anything. So can't be miscarriage. And I didn't feel any pain or bleeding so might not be ectopic too. So in the end, took blood test. But Dr Yam warned that if I feel any pain or is bleeding, must admit to hospital immediately cos ectopic might be life threatening. Sounds so scary ya.
A day later, the blood results is out. HCG is at 794. So definitely is pregnant. Rightly in 2 days time, HCG level will double up n should be able to see sac when it reaches abt 1500. So later we r gg to make a trip dwn to gleneagles for a scan. Hopefully it's good news this time round. Cross fingers...
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#2 is coming
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22 Mar
Just did the test n this is the result:

Seems like #2 is on the way. Mixed feeling when I found out cos now I m in the middle of job crisis. My aim of taking the test is to harden my heart to quit my job wo a job if the result is negative. But seems like its fated for me to stay on.
The next qn u gg to ask me "are we trying for a bb?" The ans is no. We only did once n not even somewhere near my ovaluation period. Guess my ovaluation period has gone haywire recently cos menses always late. But anyway it's a god's gift :D am happy to be preggy again. Lots of thoughts now. All the first experiences came flooding back. The water retention, the leg cramps, the clumsy movement, the contraction pain , the sleepless nites n breastfeeding!!!! Gosh.. Sounds horrible ya. Hopefully no MS this time round too n let's hoped that it is a girl !! 2 boys would definitely drive me crazy but most importantly must be healthy.
#2, after knowing ur presence, everything else seems to be more easier to 忍. When I m stressed n I think of u in me, I seems to feel
better. Let's jiayou together ya. Mommy love u XOXO.
Ma! I m pregnant again! Ur fourth great-grand kid . Blessed me from above k. Missed u..
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Just did the test n this is the result:
Seems like #2 is on the way. Mixed feeling when I found out cos now I m in the middle of job crisis. My aim of taking the test is to harden my heart to quit my job wo a job if the result is negative. But seems like its fated for me to stay on.
The next qn u gg to ask me "are we trying for a bb?" The ans is no. We only did once n not even somewhere near my ovaluation period. Guess my ovaluation period has gone haywire recently cos menses always late. But anyway it's a god's gift :D am happy to be preggy again. Lots of thoughts now. All the first experiences came flooding back. The water retention, the leg cramps, the clumsy movement, the contraction pain , the sleepless nites n breastfeeding!!!! Gosh.. Sounds horrible ya. Hopefully no MS this time round too n let's hoped that it is a girl !! 2 boys would definitely drive me crazy but most importantly must be healthy.
#2, after knowing ur presence, everything else seems to be more easier to 忍. When I m stressed n I think of u in me, I seems to feel
better. Let's jiayou together ya. Mommy love u XOXO.
Ma! I m pregnant again! Ur fourth great-grand kid . Blessed me from above k. Missed u..
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