Visited Dr Yam for my Oscar blood test result today. I wasn't worried cos the clinic did not called me before that (if the result is bad, they would have called me immediately). When I reached, Dr Yam took a look at my report n congrats me saying my risk is very low; 1:10k+. I was relieved at the news but less than 2 seconds n after a 2nd look at the report, he face changed! Then he broke the news to me... The blood test tested not just for DS but also for ES n PS. My ratio for ES n PS wasn't very good , particularly for ES... In the end we decided to go my amnio test (on 27 June).
After some research, ES is actually a fatal problem whereby either the mother will have a late miss carriage, still birth or even if managed a live birth, most likely won't pass 1 yr old. I was very scared n cried for the whole night. I kept wondering y me? There is no such history in our family n I m not near 35. I m healthy n so is ah dear. So y me? Hubby asked me not to think too much as nothing was confirmed yet. Also alot of frens told me that blood test isn't that accurate n lots of mom had bad results for blood test but amnio result turns out ok. Let's just hope that everything will really turns out ok. Keeping fingers crossed very tightly.

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