Super busy day today. Firstly, we celebrated Dad's birthday (actual day is on 1 June). Went to Triple 3 for buffet lunch. The food there is ok, but the service sucks. Really cmi for such a well-known resturant.

After lunch, rush back to pick fil to go to IMM to meet Rebacca (our contractor). Chose and bought the toilet equipments/accessories for our new house. Another $1.6k gone..ouch.. After that, sent fil home and went down to Expo for electrical fair. Bought our fridge (generously sponsored by parents :D Thanks!) and went to the food expo to settle dinner. By the end of the day, i could hardly walk and as usual, my poor feet were swollen. But we did manage to strike off quite a few To-Buy-Items from our checklist, hee so all the running ard is worth it. Now, the next big items left to buy for our new house would be all the lightings, sofa and TV console. Gambeta!!
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