9 Feb
Was quite anxious for the whole day as we would be visiting Dr Yam tonight and will the mystery by solve????? Sadly..no... saw something between the legs but Dr Yam was not sure if its the loop of the umbilical cord of is something else. Junior was super active tonight and was moving non stop. In the end Dr Yam didnt manage to get a good measure of length of junior, but instead, estimated his weight to be at 157g. Junior is currently at 16th week. The two guys was super animated when scanning junior and Dr Yam let us hear the heartbeat of junior. When previously it was qiute faint, it now sounds like horse galloping! Law managed to video down the process, but as its on iphone, so still trying to figure out how to transfer the clip onto the computer :P will upload once he successfully managed to transfer the clip.

A close facial shot of junior. Can see the eyes sockets
It took us quite a while before junior settles down and open his/her legs...and...we saw something white in between! But as its not very clear, so Dr Yam couldnt be sure that if thats the loop of the umbilical cord or is it something else..hee so Dr Yam said that junior is 60% boy. So for now, its another month's wait for the next scan and hopefully by then, it would be much clearer.

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