26th Jan - 1st day of CNY
HAPPY NIU YEAR EVERYONE!!! Woke up at 830am depsite only sleeping at 5am, due to the aroma from the fried carrot cakes!!!!!!!! Simply cant resist them! First thing, went to wish my granny Happy New Year. :D my parents were still sleeping thou..lol. My sis came shortly after and followed by Law. He is a good boy today. Reached at 915am as told and was not late (for once) :P
With Trishelle in her cute halter neck chinese cheongsum bubby dress. See our dressing colour so coordinated..haha.
A family portriat :)
Our 1st stop is to my father's side to bai nien. We gathered at a relative house at AMK. This is also the first year that Law came to bai nien with us on Chu Yi. Cos his family side only go around to bai nien on Chu Er, so normally he would request off only on Chu Er. But as this year we are getting married and he has yet to meet my father's side relatives, thus decided to get Chu Yi off so that he can meet them before the wedding. Thanks dear for sacrifying your own family's bai nien. As we only slept for only about 3 hrs the previous nite, we are trying our best to stay awake, be alert to ppl and concentrate when they are talking to us..lol
After that, headed to my mom's side relative's place to bai nien. Same as my dad's side, all will gathered at a particular relatives's place and spent the afternoon together. The normal things we will do is to eat Shark's fins!!! My 2nd aunty always without fail will cook shark's fins on nien chu yi. Sorry...no doubt i am a diver, but i just cant resist shark's fins. Also the must have food or rather dessert is "Cheng Teng". I love the ginko nuts that my aunt made! There is also the steamboat.
As its really rare that Law got his Chu Yi off and we dun wanna waste it, thus decided to go for a movie after that (even though he is dead sleepy!) Went to watch "The Wedding Game". Quick a nice show..its funny too and love the theme song! Can consider as a march in song too :P After the movie, we headed back to his place to bia nien with his parents and shortly after went home to sleep le :P Its really a tiring day.
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