Today, i went back to Chinatown again where i met up with XH, JH, Daph, Val and Qingyou for CNY reunion lunch. We went to a Teochew resturant called Lee Kee (Ah Hoi) located at Mosque Road. Been a long time where all our us (also my wedding jie mei gang) met up together. Had a fun time eating, chatting and taking lots of photos. Would just let the photos do the talking.
JH baked some cookies for us
Qingyou cant wait to get started
Their famous cold crab
Salad prawn. Yummy!
Assorted fried items which the boss assemble for us.
Omelette with oysters
Goose meat
Starting to "lau" yu sheng
My group of bestie cum jie meis (yes, including qingyou...he keeps on nagging that he wanna be my jie mei too).
After lunch, accompanied XH to buy some new year decos after which, me, XH and Qingouy walked to TCC at Boat Quay for some coffee cum rest and relax chat. Really love the ambience there. We practically took off our shoes and lay ourselves on the bean bags, chatting and drinking coffee.
The 2nd storey is also an art gallery where u can purchase the paintings off the walls.
Guys, we should meet up more often ya!
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