Went wakeboarding yesterday. Or rather, went to learn to wakeboard yesterday. Its an activity which was organised by my company and we only have to pay for part of the cost which was $20 for 3 hrs (with 5 to a boat). According to my colleague, its damn cheap.
The day started by raining. We were damn worried that the whole thing were called off..luckily the rain slowed down to only a drizzle when we were there. Its at the Marina Country Club in Punggol. We were actually damn lucky yesterday. At first, me with my other 2 colleagues were assigned to 1 boat (with only the 3 of us for 3 hrs..ie we can have a longer time as compared to sharing a boat with 5), but in the end, we were told to let another group (with 5 pax) to go first. We relunctantly got off the boat. But just abt 10 mins when the boat left the jetty, they headed back with one of the guy's head badly cut. According to them, his head was cut by the wakeboard when the boat is travelling out. Due to choppy waters and strong winds, the wakeboard came loose and hit him on his head..poor guy..needed stitches..we were damn lucky that we were not on that boat. Anyway, after 3 hrs of wakeboarding, i still didnt manage to stand up :P Hai..will try again next time round!
The original boat that we were on
Thats Bev
Me with Sarah
2 other guys onboard: the younger one is the son of our big boss
Lots of chocolate chips muffins and water were provided on board
Heading out!
Bev is a pro!

I loved this shot! Gives me a very relax and leisure feeling. You can see Bev behind, enjoying her wakeboarding and the 2 guys enjoying their little chat there.
Next is BT's turn. He is a pro too!
After BT, its my turn. Its my very first time trying out wakeboarding, minus the fact that i have tried cable skiing at Batam about 3 years back :P For this trip, only me and Sarah and newbies.
Still got time for a pose
Instructor trying out with me first before the real thing
Haa..looked at my serious look. I am trying my best to remember what he has told me and half the time i am damn nervous!
Ya thats me in the waters
Then its Sarah's turn
Still can be so cheeky
Finally, my boss's son..errr..cant remember his name :P
We were so tired after that 3 hrs and my arms and shoulder blades are hurting like hell now :(
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