Look at the clear blue sky! This is the view outside the restuarant.
The S3s and AMs
Behind is the restuarant where we had lunch.
Swimming pool by the edge
We took a series of jumping shots at the beach. Its real fun! You guys should try it sometime!

Yauwen: I wanna fly!!

Sarah with Cindy. Trying to do the STARS!

And jump (Yauwen, Yenling and me. Notice, we move from the sand to water..haha)
And jump (Cindy wif Yauwen)
And jump (think we never got tired! Haha...)
Cindy's signature jump!
We tried to do a group jump. But as the cam is done by self timer, a bit hard for eberyone to time the jump.
2nd time also failed..but at least the jump is more centralise..haha
The games begins
Human knot
The "brown boys" lol..
Overall it was a great trip, with great ppl and great weather. Cheers to KPMG unit 020!!
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