Now you are at the comfort of your house, watching TV, surfing net and reading blogs, but what are the ppl of Sichuan doing? Searching, rescuing, nursing, crying, mourning and feeling despair????As most are aware, a 7.9 magnitute earthquake strucked China, northwest of Sichuan provincial capital Chengdu and killed nearly 15,000 people. This is one of the worst hit to China in 32 years, reducing many buildings to rubbles. Tears and screaming of families were heard all over the places, calling out to their loves one. Many were buried alive and yet to be found.
But what have you done so far? I admit and i am ashame that i have done nothing so far. The news didnt hit me in a big way. When i first heard of it, its was like any other earthquakes that happens so often in the world. I didnt donate to those, so why shall i this time? But when i was at a temple this afternoon, i saw pics of the earthquake sites in Sichuan....its horrible and unbearable....i am gg to do something now and u can too.
Singapore Red Cross has make it extremely easy to donate. You can :
a) Walk in for cash donation,
b) Cheque donation, make payable to "Singapore Red Cross Society". Behind the cheque pls put your name, Mailing Address and Contact Numbersand state that its for Red Cross China Earthquake Appeal. On the posting envelop, just state "Singapore Red Cross- Earthquake Appeal". There is no need to state the full address and no postage is necessary.
c) Giro - UOB/POSB/DBS
d) AXS machine
For more details, pls visit:
I know that money cannot bring back the dead, cannot make rescue work easier or faster. But at least it can help to buy more medicine and necessities and to care for the please stop thinking for yourself for a while and donate something that would help, be it money or materials like tents, blankets, sleeping bags. Spend lesser on food/shopping for a week and donate these extra cash.
We must be thankful that we are in Singapore, a country free of natural disasters. Do whatever you can to help, even if its just a dollar...

Man carrying the corspe of his son
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