Was damn sian working and since ah dear is off today, i took leave :P so that we can spent some time together. So what did we do for most part of the day??? We were at the ................................................................................................. hospital.....SGH...... Haa...dun worry, nothing happened, just that we went for blood donation and after that ah dear went for his dental apptm at the Dental Center at SGH. Spent half a day there cos we waited for 2 hrs for his whole dental examination process!! He was called in after we registered his apptm and he went in. So effectively i was outside (at the waiting area) waiting for him and he was inside waiting to take X-Ray, waiting for the dentist to examine and explain to him abt his wisdom teeth. And yes, this 2 simple processes took 2 hrs! His next appt, 14th to extract 3 wisdom teeth in 1 go!!! Scary....
But before gg for his dental, i managed to "drag" him to accompany for to go for my regular blood donation. And better still, i managed to "convince" him (with a little help from the guy sitting in front of us at the waiting area ;p) to donate blood with me. I would say its very brave of ah dear to eventually agreeing to donate blood with me..for those who knows him..u should know how scare he is of needles....
Being a first timer, he was given a cute sticker..look at his reluctant face! lol..

And the sticker says : be nice to me. this is my first donation.

while waiting for his turn to get "poke" :P
But sadly..and not sure if its fated....he didnt manage to donate blood.... why ??????????????????????????????? Cos the nurse couldnt find his vein !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? A big man like him....and the nurse couldnt find his veins. The nurse always tells me i have got small vein, so its hard for me to donate blood..so sometimes they would draw blood from my left hand, sometimes from my right..depending on which hand can they find my vein...but for ah dear.....hai...........they just....hai...but poor ah dear, he was being "poked" quite a few times by the nurse..but till no valid....in the end, his arm became swollen and had to put an ice pack on it. Not sure if i was looking very worried or what, immediately after i finished my donation, the nurse "force" me to wait outside and while walking me out, keep on assuring me that he is gg to be all right. They even got a doc to look at him...
Ah dear with his ice pack. See that guy in the background..he is waiting for his gf, but the nurse said i cant wait for ah dear inside and insisted that i wait for him outside...whats this... :(
But all's well, after the donation, we collected the free parking coupon and proceed for our free drinks and snack.
Ah dear all bandaged up and trying to act brave, haha!!
Here's mine
Hours later after we took off our bandages..this is how it looks:
Mine is just a tiny dot. And his (beware, not for the faint hearted):
Its all bruised with the blood clotting. But if u look carefully at the bruise, it actually in the shape of a upside-down heart....so after that for a few days..he kept asking, "How deep is my love for Jacelyn?" Then he would show ppl the "bruise mark"....lol...
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