Today need to work, but absolutely has no mood. Only thing to look foward to is the gathering at Jul's place tonight. As everyone is working, nobody is doing any cooking thus we ordered KFC and pizzas. Yauwen even bought the christmas log cake from Awfully Chocolate.
With Bev
The current auditors
The ex-auditors - who are now accountants, internal auditors and bankers
The 2M real christmas tree with presents beneath!
The whole gang + spouses....too bad law couldnt make it...
We played the "white elephant" gift exchange game. Everyone is suppose to get a white elephant present that cost under $5. How the game is played is that:
1) everyone chooses a number.
2) the one with the smallest number will have to pick a gift from the pool and opens it
3) then the 2nd person, can choose to open another present, or to snatch the present of the person in front
4) if he/she chooses to snatch the other person's present, the other person can open another present from the pool again and the games follows
5) each present is limited to cross hand for only 3 times. Ie if i am the 3rd person who snatch a particular present, it gets lock with me and no one else can snatch it from me.
So to say, those ppl with the last few numbers are the best, as they get to see what presents are available before deciding whether to snatch or to open another present. And the white elephant present means that we are suppose to get something that is worthless and ppl will try to get ride of them. Also some ppl need to get something useful so that ppl will try to snatch the present. In this way, there will be snatching and promoting of own's present and thats the fun part of it!
The presents!!
Cindy and Alex - they got joker and ace, ie they are the 1st 2 to go
Me and Bev got queen and king, ie we were the last 2!! Yippee!!
Mingli got some erm...clothes washer that u r suppose to throw it into the washing machine
And i got a cute umbrella! I chose this from the pool. Didnt snatch it from anyone
And for some snatching scene
I love my umbrella..see so cute right! I was telling everyone if they dare to snatch my present, i will hit them with it! Lol..thus its safely in my hands :P
Chocolate and banana christmas logcake from Awfully Chocolate
With rich chocolate and QQ bananas! Yummy!!
The party was great!! Too bad Fred and Aug and ah dear couldnt make time then!