Bro Y had always "jio" me and Xuehui to join them for badminton sessions, but Xuehui and I had never joined them..its only until after Bro Y left us, then Xuehui had been constantly joining them for the games. Maybe its a way to "remember" him and its also a good form of exercise. As for me... :P i am still as lazy as ever and their badminton sessions are always at Henderson, if not some "far away" place and on Sunday evenings (monday still need to work!!) So i rarely joined them for any games.
However for this week , badminton is at Clementi!!! And tomolo i am on leave! i joined them. Bernard came to pick me and Xuehui.

The clementi stadium is much bigger than the other few CCs that we have been to and its more ventilated (thus not that hot!). They also have lots of courts including an area for table tennis too. Thats Xuehui (in blue) and Dar Dar (in white and pink) and Bernard at the other end reaching for the "sky" the photo.
After the games, we went to a place near sunset way for dinner (cant remember its name). Food are not bad. There are 12 of us and we managed to squeeze into 1 table. Its only up to yesterday that i realised so many of them smoke! After dinner, they went for smoking session and guess wat.....the whole table only left me and Xuehui.. -_-"

The gang at the corner having their smoking break.
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