Overslept and woke up at 11.30am today!!!! Had a rush wash up and we headed straight to Keelung. Our aim destination today is to Yielu and to Jufeng's Lao Jie (old street).
The drive to Keelung is actually quite short, taking us abt an hr. We headed up to Miao Kuo street for lunch. Its a street with a lot of xiao ci.
Xuehui, at the street of Miao Kuo
We stopped over at one of the Jap store for jap food. Look at their huge prawns!!
They makes good salad prawns
Haa..Xiyue is so happy with his food.

We went to another shop and ate this. Forgot what its called. But its made from the "thing" as shown below.
These are actually flour that got stuck to the side of the wok when the chef cooked other stuffs. Its being scrapped off and re-cooked. Taste a bit like kway teow.
On the way back to the car, we passed by a pet shop and saw this puppy!! Isnt it cute. Just like a teddy bear!!
But the pet shop is situated beside a butchery...errr..doesnt seems to be appropriate hor...
After Keelung, we made our way to Yeliu. Its actually to see rock formation bny the coast. Nothing much..would prefer great ocean road!!

We headed down to Jiufeng Lao Jie at night. Its a series of streets with old shop house settings. As we reached there ard 7pm and most shops closed at ard 8pm, alot of shops were alr closing.

Lao Jie
And guess wat we saw???? House of condoms!!!
Bought a pink silky chinese style handbag. Ideal to go with my white dress for Jul's wedding.
As today is our last night in Taiwan, Xuehui and Bernard went on to pub and KTV. I am already "half-dead" due to the lack of sleep from the previous few nights (those who know me would know that i need to sleep how many hrs per day in order to stay awake for the next day), thus i didnt join them.