One of my hobby, other than msning, blogging, shopping, gossiping etc, is reading. I like to read books and i am even suprise with myself for saying when i was in school, my langauges sucks and my english for O'level is almost a gone case. Never would i ever think of or even admit to myself that i like to read. It has became a routine in my life to read before i sleep. Guess the need to read has intensified during my peak period. It simply gave me a little window to escape from the stressful real world and to be transported to where the author is going to bring me.
I like to read Reader Digest and non-fiction stories, such as the life of a real character. My love for non-fiction stories came about after i read the life story of this Japanese Evil Cult leader when i was in secondary school. He was very famous at that time whereby he created a huge stir in Japan. Cant remember his name, but it really left a very deep impression in me. Other titles which i have read and liked includes, Wild Swan, Memory of a Geishan, The Rape of Nanking and Father of Cambodia, which talked about the life of a youngl girl during war time in Cambodia and how she managed to pull through.
I used to only read horror stories when i was younger and they includes series from Fear Street, Goosebums and the Vampire series by Anne Rice. But as i grew older, i also begins to like to read fiction stories. My recent favourite authors include Leasly Pearse and Jodi Picoult, whereby i am also collecting their series.
The newest addition to my Leasly Pearse collection is Hope. Just got it over the weekend and cant wait to start on it. :)
Daphne gave me an interesting book called The Train Man recently. The story was being written in an online forum style, whereby storyline goes with the posting from the author. Its just like reading an internet forum. A very innovative way of writing and looks very interesting. Would let you guys know abt it after i have finished reading it.

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