Its the first day of CNY! Like ususal, we would have our traditional carrot cake breakfast (homemade by my granny. Yummy!!) Well CNY is always very routine, beginning with a visit to my big grandma's house (my father's side), followed by a gathering at Candice's house (my mom's side).
My sis's car
We normally meet up my dad's side relative 2~3 times a year, during CNY, Qing Ming and Christmas. Sounds pretty bad only meet up during a festive season. But no choice, everyone is so busy with their own lifes. So like ususal, standard qns like, hows school, hows work, when getting bf / when getting married / when getting For me, i got upgraded...from a when getting bf qn to a when getting married qn. But of cos the main attention was on my sis as she is 5 mths pregnant. :P
My sis and me
Some other pics that we took:

Me gg to be aunt soon :D
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