CNY - Day 2
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on Sunday, February 25, 2007
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As seen, our CNY is rather routine and standard. Its our practice to go for Tim Sum on the 2nd day of CNY. Each family would take turns to treat. This yr, its our turn to treat and we went to Tung Lok at Vivo City.

The room

Me and Granny

Lou Hei
The environment is so much nicer than the one at Liang Court. This one has a very modern touch and is decorated mainly in white and with glasses. However the resturant is quite small. As we have reserved 2 tables, we are given the only "VIP" room in the resturant. The room is separated from the rest with glass walls.

The room

Me and Granny

Lou Hei
CNY - Day 1
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on Wednesday, February 21, 2007
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Its the first day of CNY! Like ususal, we would have our traditional carrot cake breakfast (homemade by my granny. Yummy!!) Well CNY is always very routine, beginning with a visit to my big grandma's house (my father's side), followed by a gathering at Candice's house (my mom's side).
My sis's car
We normally meet up my dad's side relative 2~3 times a year, during CNY, Qing Ming and Christmas. Sounds pretty bad only meet up during a festive season. But no choice, everyone is so busy with their own lifes. So like ususal, standard qns like, hows school, hows work, when getting bf / when getting married / when getting For me, i got upgraded...from a when getting bf qn to a when getting married qn. But of cos the main attention was on my sis as she is 5 mths pregnant. :P
My sis and me
Some other pics that we took:

Me gg to be aunt soon :D
Monkey in 2007
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on Monday, February 19, 2007
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This is a good year for those born in the year of the Monkey. It is a good time to implement any of your plans and truly enjoy yourself. The most prominent area to be concerned about is gossip, betrayals and back-stabbings. I strongly advise that you do not contribute or participate in any gossip as these will come back to bite you.
This is a good year for career. It is a good time to focus on implementing any plans that you have in mind. It can be to take up a more challenging task, pursuing a larger role or expanding your business. You do not need to shy away from the limelight. Simply give your best and your efforts will be recognized. Remember not to participate in gossip and be gentle when commenting about others.
Good. There are many opportunities in earning money this year. Grab the opportunities and enjoy the thrill of watching your bank account grow. You can consider having more sources of income. However, do not believe in everything people tell you. Check out the details and do some research before commencing any investment plans.
Be careful about rumors that will rock those who are already in relationships. For those who are single, if you really like someone, ensure that you have clear communication with the parties involved to avoid any misunderstanding.
Average for health. Try to relax and not get too tense. If there are elders at home, take special care of their health and safety.
Bad. Take care of not offending people unknowingly. Try not to give too many comments when not asked. If you are asked for your comments, only give diplomatic answers.
Cosy dinner
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on Saturday, February 17, 2007
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First time in 27 years, there is only the 4 (my parents, me and my granny) of us having our reuion dinner. Seems a bit quiet but nevertheless, its still very cosy :) In the past yrs, we would have reuion dinner with my uncle and his family. But from this yr onwards, we decided to have our dinner separately as the children are all grown up and the family is expanding, thus not very convenient to have dinner together. Also my sis didnt join us for reuion dinner this yr as they went to my BIL's family side for dinner (hee, its an agreement between them that they have reuion dinner in alternate yrs with family from both sides).
We went to a resturant that is at Rail Mall called Lets Crab It. It was even on TV! But the food there is all right only. The crab is a bit disappointing. As judging from the name of the resturant, their crabs should be their main dish. However, it taste just like those crabs that you can buy from the Zhi Cha stores at the coffee shop.
As there is only 4 of us, we order individual dish. We had Sharks Fin soup (i would say this is the best among all dishes and they are rather generous on the shark's fin), Claypot Toufu, Vegetatrian mixed veges, Steam Soon Hock (this fish cost us $80!! I didnt know that a fish could cost that much! The taste of the fish doesnt justify the cost...), Mango Thai Style Chicken and Chilli Crab with Mantou.
The four of us.
VaLeNtInE'S dAy
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Its our 2nd Vday together and i would say its way better than the first! Our first was spent miserably whereby both of us were working and didnt meet up at all. This yr like last, i was at Simmons (my audit client) during Vday. Haa, no mood to work at all and was msning with Xuehui. It has been a long time since i last felt so relax.
He met with Law ard 7+ and he was late! But was forgiven cos he went to collect the flowers :P Hee, this is my first time receiving flowers on Vday. I know it seems stupid, but the feeling of carrying a big bouquet of flowers and walking on the street on Vday is really good!! I know that its a waste on money...but i just cant help it.
We went to Blue Reef Scuba to collect my Valentine's present. Its a pair of pink Tusa Tri-Ex fins! Thanks dear!
Me got him a long sleeves black shirt from Giodarno plus a Voltage Stabliser (gg to buy) for the car.
Dinner was at Park Royal Hotel. The food there was great! Its a mixed of Jap cum Chineses cum western cum local food. The food they serve includes sashimi, softshell crabs, oysters, shark's fins soup, wantan mee, roast duck plus other normal buffet main course. They even have Yu sheng!

However the day didnt end as smoothly as i have expected. The resturant is actually serve Strawberry Fondu. Its my first time seeing a strawberry fondu and being one who love strawberries alot, i was looking forward to desserts! But alas! The rest stopped the fondu at ard 930pm (buffet table closes at 10pm). I have asked twice for the waiter to on the fondu back and we waited till 10pm and another waiter just came out and dismantle the setup!!! What the....i was damn angry, what kind of service is this! To off the fondu so early and to ignore a customer's request to on it back and whats more, they didnt even bother to come back to update us about the "status" of the matter!!! I have already written in to complain about this matter. Lets see what they will reply...
He met with Law ard 7+ and he was late! But was forgiven cos he went to collect the flowers :P Hee, this is my first time receiving flowers on Vday. I know it seems stupid, but the feeling of carrying a big bouquet of flowers and walking on the street on Vday is really good!! I know that its a waste on money...but i just cant help it.
We went to Blue Reef Scuba to collect my Valentine's present. Its a pair of pink Tusa Tri-Ex fins! Thanks dear!

Me got him a long sleeves black shirt from Giodarno plus a Voltage Stabliser (gg to buy) for the car.
Dinner was at Park Royal Hotel. The food there was great! Its a mixed of Jap cum Chineses cum western cum local food. The food they serve includes sashimi, softshell crabs, oysters, shark's fins soup, wantan mee, roast duck plus other normal buffet main course. They even have Yu sheng!

However the day didnt end as smoothly as i have expected. The resturant is actually serve Strawberry Fondu. Its my first time seeing a strawberry fondu and being one who love strawberries alot, i was looking forward to desserts! But alas! The rest stopped the fondu at ard 930pm (buffet table closes at 10pm). I have asked twice for the waiter to on the fondu back and we waited till 10pm and another waiter just came out and dismantle the setup!!! What the....i was damn angry, what kind of service is this! To off the fondu so early and to ignore a customer's request to on it back and whats more, they didnt even bother to come back to update us about the "status" of the matter!!! I have already written in to complain about this matter. Lets see what they will reply...
Long week
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on Saturday, February 03, 2007
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It has been a long week for me. Firstly, Law is not around (but he came back on tue night lah) and he went off for this company's retreat at Batam on Fri morning. In addition, i am rushing a reporting for one of my company this week. Manage to finish the main reporting pack. So hopefully by next week, everything can be closed and wrapped up. Then i would have one less company to worry on...looking forward to March!!!!!!!
Law had a great time in Bangkok and has taken a lot of photos (considering he is those who doesnt like to take photos and there are some photos which i am... erm... not very approved of..). Anyway he got me some gifts (sad to say...dun have the shorts that i wan..sob sob..)

A big white bag. Quite like it :)

Hee, i also went to "Ka Po" one of his Voodoo doll. Its the image of a devil with wings! Cutie!