Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

A child in us

No matter how old we are, how mature we think we are, there is always a soft side in us and the child that was tugged down deep inside us. After a tiring day at work, met up with Law and accompany him to get a birthday present for his childhood fren's son. We went to Toy"R"Us at Forum. Haha, we had so much fun looking through the toys, choosing, "playing" and "posing" with the toys...

Law with his "Light Sabre"

@@~~ Elmo~~@@


@@~~Hello Kitty~~@@

In the end, we decided to get a set of racing cars plus tracks sort of toy. There are loop jumps, cross jump and crash jump (for the tracks) and it only cost $25! Cheap huh!! After you are out working..all the toys suddenly seems very cheap. Remember when we were young, we used to beg our parents to buy toys for us..haha but now when we have the ability to buy, the toys doesnt seems that interesting anymore..

Its quite a big present

When Law was qeueing up for the gift wrapping serivce, i suddenly saw this long row of machines at the front. Its those that you put a dollar coin in, turn and out comes a "egg" shaped of present. went to try and out came my favourite!!

The 2 "eggs"

@@~~My Melody~~@@