Today is Saturday and i had no plans, no thoughts, no nothing to work through can a sat be spent at home doing nothing?!?! Well i think thats how i am going to spend mine..hai..ah dear is working today so not meeting him.
Anyway, i had quite a week. As its the starting of my off peak season, i am spending more time in my own office rather than at clients' and i get to leave early (about 7pm~) from work and no more late nights! Yeah!!!! But then, there is a minus point to staying in the office. We get to be "arrow" to clear senior's sh*t and to do admin stuffs (more like being office gals) for the seniors and managers (like sending docs for printing, dispatching accounts, collecting mail packages). Well the thing is, if all these are being done on the same level as my office, it doesn't really matter. But the problem is, my office is at level 12 and the mail room and printing room is on level 10. And again if these 2 floors use the same lift lobby, it doesn't matter too. However due to the brilliant layout of the building, in order for me to get the the 10th floor's mail and printing room, i got to take a lift from12th floor to 7th, cross the carpark and take the lift from another lift lobby up to level 10. Mind you, waiting for the lift alone can last for about 5~10 mins each! Thus after running an errand, a well 20 mins of my time would be gone. And this is being perform like 3~4 times daily....But never mind, promotion is coming in July!!! Hope i clear the level and be promoted to S4 (senior level 1)!!!! Then haha...i won't need to do such things anymore and it would be my GAs' (juniors) turn..muahhaaa!!!!
On thurs, one of my colleague came back to office to do her appraisal and to give out wedding invitation. She is really artistic man! She made her own invitation card!

Look at the small flower details that she made and paste it on the envelope! The card was being hand made too. Seems like quite a number of people getting married this month. I have another wedding invitation on the 25th June. Wedding always comes with mix feeling..on one hand, you are happy for the couple who are finally get to tie the knot, but on the other hand, as usual for a woman's trouble (or maybe its just me only), that is, what to wear!! I don't have much formal clothes (unless you count office wear) and the ones that are presentable enough to be wore to a wedding has already been wore! As this coming wedding is with the same group of people as the last, i can't wear back the same thing. So that means, i have only about 3 more weeks to get another set...
Ok, back to my colleague, when she came, she brought my Adidas watch. I asked her to help me
to buy during the private isetan sale (cos i was stuck as NYP auditing, i didn't manage to go down, duhz....). It's in pink and it only cost $29. Was a bit disappointed when i got it thou, cos its smaller than what i had expected. But nevertheless, its still a good buy for $29.
After work, went to Suntec with dear. He needs to pass the long awaited photo to poor Weng (hehe he is going kill me when he sees this). As its the first day of the PC fair and we are not expecting to see a lot of people there at 7pm+ on a thurs night, we decide to go. Boy are we wrong!! Its 人山人海 there!! Its total maddness!! You dun need to walk, you just "move" with the crowd! Anyway, wasn't expecting to get anything but dear wanted to get a web cam, so we went in as planned. There wasn't much choices with web cam and we nearly gave up looking for it, but luckily manage to spot one store hidding at the back selling the cams. There was a few models, but in the end, dear decided to get Genius Trek 310. I was also being "persuade" to get one too -_-" It has 320 pixels with auto infrared light, built-in microphone and clip on for laptop.
Anyway, i had quite a week. As its the starting of my off peak season, i am spending more time in my own office rather than at clients' and i get to leave early (about 7pm~) from work and no more late nights! Yeah!!!! But then, there is a minus point to staying in the office. We get to be "arrow" to clear senior's sh*t and to do admin stuffs (more like being office gals) for the seniors and managers (like sending docs for printing, dispatching accounts, collecting mail packages). Well the thing is, if all these are being done on the same level as my office, it doesn't really matter. But the problem is, my office is at level 12 and the mail room and printing room is on level 10. And again if these 2 floors use the same lift lobby, it doesn't matter too. However due to the brilliant layout of the building, in order for me to get the the 10th floor's mail and printing room, i got to take a lift from12th floor to 7th, cross the carpark and take the lift from another lift lobby up to level 10. Mind you, waiting for the lift alone can last for about 5~10 mins each! Thus after running an errand, a well 20 mins of my time would be gone. And this is being perform like 3~4 times daily....But never mind, promotion is coming in July!!! Hope i clear the level and be promoted to S4 (senior level 1)!!!! Then haha...i won't need to do such things anymore and it would be my GAs' (juniors) turn..muahhaaa!!!!
On thurs, one of my colleague came back to office to do her appraisal and to give out wedding invitation. She is really artistic man! She made her own invitation card!

Look at the small flower details that she made and paste it on the envelope! The card was being hand made too. Seems like quite a number of people getting married this month. I have another wedding invitation on the 25th June. Wedding always comes with mix feeling..on one hand, you are happy for the couple who are finally get to tie the knot, but on the other hand, as usual for a woman's trouble (or maybe its just me only), that is, what to wear!! I don't have much formal clothes (unless you count office wear) and the ones that are presentable enough to be wore to a wedding has already been wore! As this coming wedding is with the same group of people as the last, i can't wear back the same thing. So that means, i have only about 3 more weeks to get another set...
Ok, back to my colleague, when she came, she brought my Adidas watch. I asked her to help me

After work, went to Suntec with dear. He needs to pass the long awaited photo to poor Weng (hehe he is going kill me when he sees this). As its the first day of the PC fair and we are not expecting to see a lot of people there at 7pm+ on a thurs night, we decide to go. Boy are we wrong!! Its 人山人海 there!! Its total maddness!! You dun need to walk, you just "move" with the crowd! Anyway, wasn't expecting to get anything but dear wanted to get a web cam, so we went in as planned. There wasn't much choices with web cam and we nearly gave up looking for it, but luckily manage to spot one store hidding at the back selling the cams. There was a few models, but in the end, dear decided to get Genius Trek 310. I was also being "persuade" to get one too -_-" It has 320 pixels with auto infrared light, built-in microphone and clip on for laptop.

The cam is quite small and i can even paste stickers on the sides. Haven't really try it out yet, but the image seems to be quite ok.

The web cam came in this big bag! Its those canvas bag which u can re-use for multiple times and won't get torn.

The web cam came in this big bag! Its those canvas bag which u can re-use for multiple times and won't get torn.
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