Happy Mother's Day to all mommies/mommy to be!!! This is my very first yr celebrating mother's day. It marks another significant stage of my life, moving from single to married to pregnant n now being a mother. I am a person who loves children but the joy tat Skyler brought me is indescribable. Everyday at work, I would keep on lookg at the clock, willing it to go faster towards 530pm so tat i an rush back to hug my baby. No doubt its hard to take care of a bb, needing to wake up in the middle of the nite to pacify a crying baby, endure he endless energy, taking in his tantrum and caring for him when he is sick. But what makes everything worthwhile are: when he woke up in the morning or after his nap and sees me, he would give me his biggest and widest sunshine smile, when i returned from work and he ever ready wanting me to bao bao, his mischievous look when he knows he is in trouble, feeling sleepy and "yang oh", laugh when i play with him, his cute sleeping styles (i love to sit on my bed and just look at him sleeping) and many many more. Other than his hyper active-ness, Skyler has been an easy bb. He is very smiley, not a fussy eater (in fact its quite easy to feed him-hope he stays this way) and not afraid of strangers. Felt so blessed to have a child like him :D
Spent Mother's Day in a relatively quiet style. As hubby is working, we did not go out to celebrate. Went to Kuishinbo for dinner the nite before and hubby bought me an Awfully Chocolate cake :)
Standard of the food has dropped and variety also not alot

My first Mother's Day Cake. I told hubby i DO NOT want Carnations lol..
Happy Mother's Day!